I love Japanese fantasy films. I think maybe because they bring to life to some of my favorite anime characters. Of course, Kiki is one of the most magical roles to portrait. While I’m still waiting for some other animated characters to come to life, Kiki’s Delivery Service will fill our mind with magic soon!
An Asian version of a grown up Matilda could be a good way to put it. Even tho the special magic and charisma that drawn characters implicitly deliver, is really hard to find.
Majo no Takkyubin was written by Eiko Kadono in 1985 and the master Miyasaki animated it in 1989. So I would dare to say this live action movie will make us grown ups go back in time to keep dreaming a little and believe in magic.

It will be hard for actors and specially director to achieve the fantastic level the animated movie has. But since Takashi Shimizu (The Shock Labyrinth, Marebito, Tormented) is an expert in showing us twisted unreal worlds, I think we will be safe.