It’s been a long while since I watched I’m a Cyborg, but that’s OK. In exchange and on the good part of it, I still remember everything that took place by the time. Those scenes that got a completely wacky kind of happy feeling for instances and deep sorrows in some others. Internet synopsis read this one to be a comedy. In my opinion the way the things are told on this story is so strange that we might get different feelings from it. Those that go go from exitement to hopeless sadness.
Synopsis of I’m a Cyborg, but that’s OK
The movie revolves around the life inside a psychiatric Institution. It focuses on a particular girl that believes she is a cyborg. Young Goon is convinced she can live by licking batteries. That’s why she refuses to eat regular food among other similar issues. Another patient of New World Institution is Park Il Sun. This guy used to be an electrician and now he thinks he can steal personalities. He obviously thinks Young Goon is crazy when he sees her talking to the vending machine but he can’t help to be intrigued by her behavior.
They will meet themselves among other equally bizarre eccentric characters. Everyone will learn to live with each other despite their multiple and completely different realities.
Starring in I’m A Cyborg, but that’s OK
Lim Soo Jung (Come Rain Come Shine, I’m Sorry I Love You, All About My Wife) is Cha Young Goon. A girl that used to work at a radio assembling factory. One day she decides to cut her skin to wire herself to the transistors and be able to communicate through them. Talking to machines, becoming a speaker and eating just batteries will be some of the things she will think a cyborg does although there is a background to it all.
Rain (Full House, Ninja Assassin, A Love To Kill) is Park Il Sun. A guy that is also among New World Institution’s patients but his reality is stealing other people’s personalities. He knows how to fix things so he will try to help Young Goon with her eating batteries disorder entering slowly into her world and sharing their stay.
Other names that you will find in this movie: Oh Dal Su, Park Jun Myun, Choi Hee Jin, Kim Byung Ok, Lee Yong Nyeo, Yoo Ho Jeong, Park Byeong Eun, Cheon Seong Hun, Kim Do Yeon, Son Young Soon, Eun Joo Hee & Lee Jung Yong.
Conclusion of I’m a Cyborg, but that’s OK
It’s a movie that starts completely unexpected and turns out we find ourselves getting to know an out of the ordinary world. We will be able to contemple a different dimension of happenings. I am a big fan of Park Chan Wook’s movies. I think this one is completely out of his comfort zone. Only because of its contents of course, not the way of filming that I think it’s absolutely amazing. On the other hand, I think he just had fun filming it.
If you enjoy wacky humor. Or love getting to know a complete new level of dialogues and situations. I highly recommend this movie. Scenes are perfectly well planned. Situations portrayed in a way that it’s accessible to everyone. This is although we are dealing with this strangely odd world. Over all we get a different unexpected love story that for instances will make us laugh.
Excellent movie!