I had no idea that Kim Myung Min had made this movie! As a true fan of his work, I knew at the very least I could expect a great performance. In the case of Deranged, while most of the performances were solid, I felt that the premise was much stronger than the final execution.

I’ll give you the essential details without spoiling what I didn’t know before watching, as that was part of what hooked me from the very beginning. But first, a warning: this movie is quite disturbing and gruesome. I can’t say exactly why, but if you’re highly sensitive to graphic content, you might have a tough time.

Deranged – 2012

Now, onto the story. A series of mysterious deaths start occurring in Seoul, all seemingly caused by drowning. The victims are found floating in the river, and upon examination, their bodies turn out to be completely dehydrated. At first, the cases appear to be suicides, but as more and more bodies emerge in the same condition, authorities realize something far more sinister is at play.

With no clear explanation, people begin flocking to the river to drown themselves, and there’s no immediate clue as to what’s causing this bizarre phenomenon. Eventually, a chilling theory emerges: these people are experiencing such extreme, unquenchable thirst that they throw themselves into the water in a desperate attempt to drink—only to drown in the process.

Cast of Deranged (2012)

  • Kim Myung Min (The King of Dramas, Beethoven Virus, Into the Mirror) plays Jae Hyuk, a biochemist now working a mundane desk job. To outsiders, his work seems demeaning, especially since he’s essentially a babysitter for the children of a pharmaceutical CEO. He’s grumpy, has a terrible relationship with his mess of a brother, and completely neglects his own family. But when they begin showing symptoms of the disease, he embarks on a desperate race to find a cure. His performance is, as expected, excellent—but the script doesn’t allow him to shine as much as he could have.
  • Moon Jung Hee (Hide & Seek, A Thousand Days’ Promise, My One and Only) plays his devoted wife, a housewife who takes care of their two children. Despite their financial struggles, she supports her husband and tries to shield their kids from the harsh reality of their situation. She’s kind and patient, but her husband’s frustration weighs on her daily. However, when the crisis spirals out of control, she transforms into a fearless mother willing to do anything to protect her children.
  • Kim Dong Wan (Six Love Stories, To My Love, Spin Kick) plays Jae Hyuk’s disaster of a brother, a detective who made a terrible mistake that ruined their relationship. He tries everything to make amends, as Jae Hyuk’s family is the only one he has left. His role becomes crucial in the investigation, uncovering key clues to solving the mystery.
  • Lee Ha Nui (Shark, I Am King, Pasta) plays Jae Hyuk’s junior colleague, now in charge of finding a cure for the deadly phenomenon. I have to say, though—her acting style never seems to change, no matter the role she’s playing.

A Word of Caution

The trailer contains major spoilers—unfortunately, it’s the only one available.

Final Thoughts on Deranged

Up until the moment when we don’t yet know what’s happening, the way the story unfolds is incredibly engaging and well-executed. The cinematography is great, and the sense of mystery is gripping. However, once the cause is revealed, everything shifts. While the script doesn’t entirely fall apart, the plot becomes too focused on corporate intrigue, leaving little room for surprises. It turns predictable—which is a shame, considering how strong the first half was.

That said, don’t write it off completely. The film’s first half is strong enough to carry the rest, making it worth a watch—even if it’s not groundbreaking. Recommended, but with reservations.

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