Well was finally able to finish this dragging, dragging o so dragging drama, called Triangle. Directors should have in mind that long still cuts aren’t the best to create dramatism, there are many other tools they can use. All they do using these still frames and slow close ups, is burn time.
I have no idea what’s wrong with Lee Bum Soo’s recent role pick, but as he used to be an excellence reference for stories, casts and performances, now his parts have no charisma at all, and his performances feel awkward and fake.
There is one mark that would give you the clue that something is being dragged, memories, non sense too long to even care memories from the characters and draggy reactions. That happens when there is too much time to fill. Well that’s all you will find in this drama that has some really interesting points and then all clichés.
Synopsis of Triangle
Three brothers were split apart when they were still very young. They grew up with completely different backgrounds and that lead them to be in opposite paths. Destiny gathers them all in the most fateful way when they will have no choice but to be against each other.
This drama depicts the life and environment of casinos and the illegal betting underworld. That’s how a detective seeking for revenge, a gambler and a Hotel Casino conglomerate heir, end up standing against each other without even knowing they are all blood related.
Starring in Triangle Korean Drama
Lee Bum Soo
Story of the Salaryman, Iris 2, Giant
As Detective Jang Dong Soo, a man seeking to avenge his father’s death. He’s also desperate to find his younger brothers, without any clue of where they are or if they are even alive. He’s a little hot tempered but still true to himself, and can’t stand injustice. As I said before, his part lacked his usual charisma, I have no idea why, since he’s one of my favorite actors. I’ll just wait for his next part.
Kim Jae Joong
Protect The Boss, Codename: Jackal, Spy
Is Heo Young Dal, a gambler that might be a lost case until destiny puts him in the right track, or almost right. A long time will have to pass until he can get his act together and learn how to live a decent life. Everybody loves Jaejoong and I’m no exception, I think he was better directed in Protect the Boss, and still needs experience, but he’s slowly getting better.
Im Si Wan
Misaeng, The Attorney, Standby
Plays Yoon Yang Ha, the youngest brother of these group of three and the most cynical. Adopted at a young age into a rich family he grew up with everything he needed in terms of money, and that made him cold and conceited. A surprising performance, let’s just hope he’s not a one face actor, but for that we need a long list of parts from him. His younger brother role, in this drama, was one of the best performances overall. A bright future for him.
Oh Yeon Su
Bad Guy, South Bound, Bittersweet Life
Is Hwang Shin Hye, the one and only friend Dong Soo has ever had. She’s an excellent psychiatrist that will help him get through the process of forgiving and forgetting in order to live a healthier relationship with his brothers. She will also be the key that will track them all down together. She’s an amazing actress and always so perfect in her parts, who did a good job here as well.
Baek Jin Hee
Empress Ki, I Summon You Gold!, Horror Stories II
Plays Oh Jung Hee, a cute girl that works as a dealer. She tries her best to survive while supporting her grandmother. I love this girl, she’s awesome. You can go from hating her in Empress Ki to loving her here, such a great actress!
Conclusions of Triangle
What I find really wonderful about the script is love stories. They are overall very realistic and sweet. Specially the one between Jae Joong and Jin Hee’s characters. Also the one between Bum Soo and Yeon Su. The OST picks are also really nice, but not very intrigue friendly. They should be placed nearer the romantic side of the story.
The drama starts well. And then dilutes into…mainly nothing. You will find yourself begging for it to end. I love all the actors here, that is why it seems so appealing. But it’s not worth 26 hours of your time, at all.
Check out the trailer!
Here’s a highlights trailer so you get a bigger idea of the story. Although, the real thing isn’t this appealing in the end.