There’s an urging need to talk about this drama called Secret. It actually is way better than I expected although I confessed myself to be a fan of its main leads. They’re both (saving some little exceptions) two of my favorite actors, and they always deliver. If I start from that initial point, I don’t know why I didn’t expect more from the story. No idea, but it was a nice surprise.
A lot of dramas with big hype aren’t even close to this complexity and interest in their scripts. In this case, not only because of the tragedy but also for the way each episode is told and how characters are defined, scaling by the minute. This will be happening until you feel you can’t breathe. It’s also real that when The Master’s Sun finished I thought it would take a while to find another story that I liked so much, lucky for me, it didn’t.
Secret has everything you need in a tearful drama. It will make you cry, love and hate in a second. Once it’s over, it’s easy to realize that none of the characters was completely good nor evil. That is, for me, one of the biggest strengths of the story and the main reason why the drama becomes more realistic.
Synopsis of Secret
The story is really complex and intricate that it’s hard to extract some parts of it to make a synopsis. But I’ll try. Kang Yoo Jung is a girl that works day and night to help her boyfriend. After such hard work, he managed to become an attorney. She also helps her father with his family business, a bakery.
One night, Yoo Jung and her boyfriend, An Do Hoon, go out to have a romantic dinner at a restaurant they visit regularly. Over there, Do Hoon asks Yoo Jung to marry him, without even knowing that in minutes their lives will change forever.
On the other hand, we have Jo Min Hyuk, a spoiled chaebol that does everything he can to drive his father nuts. Min Hyuk is in love with Ji Hee. A wonderful simple girl, that has become the center of his life. That relationship brings misfortune to everything because of greed, whim or irreparable tragedy, not from the couple, of course. but for those that surround them.
The lives of everyone will change after Ji Hee has an accident and dies along with the child she was expecting.
Shin Se Yeon is an ambitious woman that needs to own Min Hyuk at any costs. She will unravel several tragic situations for everyone.
Starring in Secret
- Hwang Jung Eum (Incarnation of Money, Full House Take 2, Golden Time) as Kang Yoo Jung.
- Kang Nam Gil (Who are You?, Playful Kiss, Goong)
- Bae Soo Bin (Shining Inheritance, Horror Stories, 49 Days) as An Do Hoon
- Ji Sung (Protect the boss, My PS Partner, The Great Seer) as Jo Min Hyuk
- Lee Da Hee (I Hear your voice, Welcome Rain to my life, Bidry Buddy) as Shin Se Yeon
Also Starring in Secret
Some other parts that for me they need to be highlighted
Jung Soo Young (My PS Partner, Jeon Woo Chi, The City Hall) she’s not mentioned in the wikis, but for me, she’s always great. Here, she will be Yoo Jung’s sworn enemy, although later on, they’ll be inseparable. I can’t tell you more without spoiling the script.
Choi Woong (Bridal Mask, Reckless Family, Nine: Time Travels) is Min Hyuk’s secretary and his shadow. He will also be relevant in the story and the one in charge for the few funny moments.
Conclusions of Secret
During the sixteen episodes of the drama, you will watch how several stories happen at the same time. That is until they crush in a masterful way. When we think that the life of someone can’t be worst, reality will show us that they haven’t suffered enough just yet. Performances are excellent, but the main leads are out of this planet.
Revenge, greed, anger, I think we could go through all the capital sins and still fall short to describe the story. It doesn’t rest a second, giving plot twists everywhere until the very last moment. Believe me, you’ll be breathless.
I feel that I’m not being fair to the story and that I’m falling short with the review. But it’s an awesome drama that you shouldn’t miss. One of those to watch with handkerchieves and cry a river biting your nails.