Best Asian Epic & War Films

A Glimpse into the Heart of Asian Cinema War has always been a compelling theme in cinema, serving as a backdrop for stories of heroism, betrayal, and sacrifice. Asian filmmakers have masterfully crafted epic war films that not only portray intense battles but also delve into the rich cultural histories and emotional complexities of their…

Warriors of the Dawn (2017) – Korean Movie Review

I decided to start watching war movies, so that brought me to Warriors of the Dawn. A movie that was released in 2017 with a great cast and an interesting plot, at least in the beginning. Coming from epic movies such as The Last Supper or Roaring Currents, this one might feel a little poor.…

The Last Supper Chinese Movie Review 2012

If I’m being honest, I have seen so little of Chinese cinema. And my knowledge about their history is so vague, that I probably ended up missing several parts of it. On the other hand, The Last Supper is just perfect. One of Lu Chuan’s masterpieces. I wouldn’t enjoy you to miss this fantastic production…

Roaring Currents Korean Movie Review

Okay so, it’s been like two years since Roaring Currents was promoted as an upcoming production. As a fan of Choi Min Sik and almost all movies he hasĀ everĀ made, I have to admit that the time was too long to handle and way too much worth it. Luckily! Although I waited for it for a…