20th Century boy and girl Korean drama review

20th Century boy and girl Korean drama review

Dramas focusing on the age of its characters and what society states that “should be accomplished” by then, are tiresome. They should really let people live their lives as they want. 20th Century boy and girl is the story about people in their thirties that refuse to group up, or take long term commitments. Even…

My Girlfriend is a Gumiho Korean drama review 2010

My Girlfriend is a Gumiho Korean drama review 2010

After waiting a long time to watch it, since I don’t particularly enjoy fantasy genre. I’m sad I waited so much to watch My Girlfriend is a Gumiho. My dislike for the genre is mainly because I think that stories can be fixed without much sense in it. But I was wrong and from now…

Oohlala Couple Korean drama review 2012

Oohlala Couple Korean drama review 2012

I must confess that the story behind Oohlala Couple didn’t catch up my attention in the beginning. I thought that since it is the same premise than Secret Garden I wouldn’t be surprised. Despite that I started watching it without many expectations, and I’m glad I did. Partly because it’s absolutely enjoyable, and on the…

Be Arrogant Korean drama review

Be Arrogant Korean drama review

Hidden in my Netflix’s list I found this peculiar little drama called Be Arrogant. I had no idea what to expect but since it had four stars I started watching it. To my surprise, since I usually think there is some kind of ‘we give many stars’ cult, it was a really nice drama. Lightweight,…

My runway Korean drama review

There aren’t enough fingers in our bodies to tell how many times this body switching plot has been portrayed. The objective of remaking ideas is to actually make them better…in theory. My Runway is not the case or is near the best we’ve seen of this subject. I’m not usually this cutting about a story, but, I’m…

The time we were not in love Korean drama review

This drama aired a while back so if you didn’t see it, you probably won’t remember it even exists. My review of The time we were not in love will probably be rejected by fans of those that appear on it. The fact is that this drama leaves nothing to the drama world. It’s even…

Jealousy Incarnate Korean drama review

Jealousy Incarnate Korean drama review

Ah, well, another good drama is over. Jealousy Incarnate has seen the end of its airing and it leaves a bittersweet taste. Mostly because I’m gonna miss the lovely chemistry between the main couple. Even tho the entire drama takes on a hard task as it is showing a difficult health condition. The funny parts…