Noble, my love korean drama review

Noble, My Love marks my first dive into the world of webtoon-based dramas, and it’s a quick, light watch with a familiar, clichéd storyline. The drama consists of 20 episodes, each only about 15 minutes long, making it an easy binge for those looking for a short and sweet romance. If you enjoy light-hearted, predictable…

Secret Garden Korean drama review

You must be thinking, did I read right? Secret Garden? Hasn’t been years since this show aired? Well, yes, but as you know I can take my time to make reviews and in this case well…it took me a little while since I first saw it a hundred years ago. 😉 Secret Garden is one…

Zettai Kareshi Japanese dorama review

Zettai Kareshi Japanese dorama review

I know Zettai Kareshi Japanese dorama (also known as Absolute Boyfriend) has been out for ages, but I just happen to have finished it. The idea of cyborgs is a little strange for me and can’t think of any better story than Terminator about the subject. There’s also a really strange American movie about a scientist…

Answer Me 1994 Korean Drama Review 2013

Answer Me 1994 Korean Drama Review 2013

After watching Answer Me 1997, this one was highly expected. If I must compare the two of them, even if they are made by the same people, the main spirit of Answer Me 1994 is really different from its prequel. I can’t understand why is that yet if it was a generational issue I don’t…

The Master's Sun Korean Drama Review 2013

The Master’s Sun Korean Drama Review 2013

There are extremely few times that I have to write about a drama that I liked so much. I still don’t know where to begin. From the story, the performances to the OST, everything in The Master’s Sun is just perfect. It makes me a little sad since it seems like the time flew watching…

King Flower Taiwanese Drama Review 2013

King Flower Taiwanese Drama Review 2013

I started watching King Flower, mainly because it came up in one of my drama sites. The story was interesting and caught up my attention right the way. But by the middle of it, sadly, it lost impact. It’s the third T-Drama that I watch, To tell you the truth, even if there’s a really…

Can We Get Married? Korean Drama Review 2012

Can We Get Married? Korean Drama Review 2012

When I started to watch this drama, I wasn’t expecting much. Even tho some of the actors always catch my attention in their previous works, the synopsis isn’t that attractive. So, I started watching Can We Get Married? without much expectations and, sadly I was right. After watching the 20 episodes my brain ended up…