Tazza 2 2014

Tazza 2 Korean Movie Trailer 2014

Tazza 2 trailer is one of the most expected. And also one of the most awaited movies of the year (I might say last two years since the interest started growing really early). This film is also known as The High Rollers 2, and it’s the second part and third production related to this bunch…

My Secret Hotel 2014

My Secret Hotel Korean Drama Trailer 2014

While waiting till the end of High School King, we get some little advanced previews on what is next on TVN. My Secret Hotel trailer get us going from comical nonsense to amazing mystery drama. Lately this channel has been delivering some interesting stories. Apparently My Secret Hotel will probably be one of those. The…

ZERO - 2014

ZERO Japanese Movie Trailer 2014

Well…Yes! We got girls, we got old school uniforms, we got a forest, fog, water and a mystery. Everything is set on the table to enjoy what will probably be a great horror experience. I have been waiting for a thrilling release for a long time. Although I have not seen all new movies yet…


HAEMOO 2014 Korean Movie Trailer

I had no idea of this movie but going through the cast and knowing who wrote it and directed it, it will probably become a must among asian movie fans. The fact is that Memories of Murder is one of my favorite thriller/murder movies of all time, Children… would be the other one but that’s not important now.…

Temptation 2014

Temptation 2014 Korean Drama Trailer

Yes, I know it came out a little too late, I should do better with latest trailers since the drama already started it is probably a waste, but maybe there are some fans that did not know it existed or, maybe you are just looking for a place to get to watch the trailers to…

My Ordinary Love Story 2014

My Ordinary Love Story Korean Movie Trailer 2014

There are many movies that portrait love out there. But there is also a fresh feeling that comes from the ones that are realistic and tell us stories about ourselves. In My Ordinary love story trailer we are be able to watch Gang Ye Won on another comedy role. I think suits her great (although…

It's OK, That's Love - 2014

It’s OK, That’s Love 2014 Korean Drama Trailer

Okay, so there are so many things about this drama that I’m waiting after watching It’s OK, That’s love trailer. First my all time favorite, number one, best of the world actress, Gong Hyo Jin is back in action! And it happens after a not so long time, since I am still enjoying The Master’s…